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Orbán Viktor recommended Hévíz – guests from Saudi Arabia were in Hévíz

The President of the meeting council Madzslisz as-sura of Saudi Arabia visited Hévíz during his staying in Hungary. Abdallah as-Sheikh and his entourage was welcomed by Gábor Papp, the Mayor and József Janos Kepli, the Deputy Mayor in the Town Hall. The Mayor had held a presentation about the town of Hévíz for the guests, in the middle of it were issues the Lake and therapy. The Shaikh said he had found Hévíz wonderful. He also revealed that, the Prime Minister Viktor Orban called his attention up to this Hungarian spa town featured with special conditions. Therefore, after having drawn up their programmes in Hungary they paid special attention to Hévíz. The Shaikh showed a keen interest about the offers of the hotels and thermal treatments, as well as about the investments opportunities. The Mayor informed him that soon there would an investment recommendation be ready, which includes the investment opportunities of Hévíz and its nearby area, which of course, would also be handed for the President. Abdallah as-Sheikh said that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s last year’s visit to Saudi Arabia had given impetous to the ties between the two countries. This year a number of important Saudi-Hungarian economic issue meetings there has been organised, and it is a welcoming thing that the Goverment’s aspirations and the external relations of Hévíz tend to be going in the similar direction.
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