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This will be one of the most beautiful short of Lake Balaton

Keszthely will have the most beatiful shore of Lake Balaton – insisted Jenő Manninger M.P.  the President of the Assembly of Zala Country and Róbert Pálinkás Deputy Mayor of Keszthely on a Press Conference. The second phase of the development of Lake Balaton has started. Walkers can meet again construction areas on the shore, beacause of the construction of another large project.
In the summer of 2012 the completed first phase of the project was given to the inhabitants of Keszthely. Folloving this they tendered successfully to continue the development on the shore, they won another HUF 350 Million EU support. To provide the smooth access to the shore for the walkers as soon as possible, first they are building a new walkway in front of the bazaar. In the meantime construction works are taking place in the parking lot. Instead of the old parking lot they will develop new parking places near the rails.
The constructions of some buildings and landscaping are expected to begin in the spring, as the weather allows it. The Deputy Mayor presented the investment. The inhabitants and guests will see and use many attractions there. The Garden of the Senses, the Energy Park and the Water Game Park will all make this area special. Manninger M.P. spoke about the winning tender emphasizing its values and thanks to the awarded amount, the new boardwalk and attractions the shore will be one of the best by the lake. He is confident that people will like the second phase of the development. On the area next to the walkway there will be leisure facilities, skate parks, tourist centre, ice rink, and there will also be two public statues. The completion of the project is expected by the end of the first half year.
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