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An other masterpiece from the world-famous designer

Gábor Széles and Robert Trent Jones Jr. open a brand new International Golf Course at Zalacsány
"It will even be attracting a good deal of International High Class Players from all around the World" -said Mr Robert Trent Jones,the world-famous Golf  Course Designer,who visited Zala County yesterday. According to Mr Gábor Széles,a local big Entrepreneur,the Sármellék-Balaton Airport will be able and excellently answering the needs of the Guests of the nearby Golf Course and its Golf Village, presently being built around it. A Golf Course Designer is much like a Goal Keeper in Football-began Mr. Robert Trent Jones Jr. his message with these words at the Press Conference -After a Team-Building Training Of the ZTE's Football Players,at the newly built superb  Zalacsány Golf Course,dreamt and designed by him. Who is one of the best Golf Course Architect in the World and arrived coming to Hungary to the Invitation of Mr. Gábor Széles, the owner of the Course. Otherwise, Mr. Jones himself is also an eminent Golf Player,and his Golf Partners are belonged to the most influential people in the World, with having, e.g., Barack Obama among them,the current President of The United States. The  70-year old designer added that golf is a lifelong game,and also,that we have got lots of talented people here in Hungary.
At the News Conference Mr. Gábor  Széles had also announced that,that out of the 18 sections of the Golf Course, 11 sections are already opened,and the rest of  them would be done as soon as by next summer. He had also reminded his Audience of  the fact,that,at first they had to overcome great difficulties in buying the area for the Course,but then within one and half years-thanks to the very efforts of their team led by Benkócs Tamás-after they had succeeded to achieve significant outgrowths.. Mr. Gábor Széles then also added that, the full value of the entire Project with the Golf Village presently being built at the heart of this immense Golfdom included, costs a mind-blowing sum of 140 BILLION HUNGARIAN FORINTS! And as such,so far this is the one and only of its kind,as up until now,there had never ever such an enormous Investment in Tourism taken place in Hungary,before. Mr Gábor Széles also said that,with the help of the Zalacsány Golf Course, now they are able to link the Inland Golf Clubs into the International Circulation of Golf,as the Zalacsány Playing Field is the very first and real Competition Golf Course in whole East-Centre-Europe.
He had also reminded those who were at present of a previous time,when first they had had the similar difficulties and received many critiques about their Expenditure and their choice about hiring the time,the World's most expensive Architect for the work,when they would set to the construction of the Hungarian Formula 1 Race Course (The now so famous "Hungaroring").But,as he pointed it out,the reputation of Mr. Robert Trent Jones is already a guarantee itself, and such it is enough to arouse a Public Interest in the Zalacsány Golf Course,and at the same time it is also a great opportunity to make our Country Hungary better known and introduce the Zala Region to the World
"Although hardly arrived,but Mr. Jones straightaway was able to feel out and pick up the Tuscany-like Atmosphere of the Zalacsány-Countryside in the air".-the big Business-man went on. The Hummocks and Hills in the surround were given already,and along with the developing Infrastructure of the Place it will definitely make a good impression not only on the Community of Zalacsány,but the entire region,as well. Further more,15 kilometres from here,at Sármellék we have a high class quality International Airport,so by using it,Golf Society People will be easily able to find their way here,and as such,the Zalacsány Project will produce good effect to the whole County. Mr. Gábor Széles  had also reported,that the Construction of the Golf Village with its exclusive Clubhouses,Villas and Apartments had already started,so this unique Golf Links combined with its elite Golf Club must be nothing but a succ-ess. At the Press Conference Mr. Antony Monti,the Anglo-Italo Golf Club Manager related,that two months ago they had launched a Program for the Embrace of Young Golf Talents which by 46 Children will receive free weekly Tuition from him. 
"I was immediately captured by the sheer beauty of the Hungarian countryside,and the next thing I knew I was fell in love with It and found myself talking to It in the way Michelangelo probably would feel himself ,when first touched a piece of marble for one of his work.-said Mr. Robert Trent Jones Jr. to our Paper,Whom otherwise is called just "Boby" by everyone. We were interviewing him at the  Zalacsány Golf Course,where he himself,too,would play there now  for the first time,and on our asking about that how his choice fell upon this particular place,he said:"Well,originally I have received an invitation to come to see Lake Balaton,drive around her beautiful coastline,so I might find a place some- where for the course,but after having seen it was everywhere so overcrowded,eventually We have decided to put it up at some other place. When,sometime later,during our selection-tour We would just bumped into this wonderful valley with its surrounding hillocks and hills,and knew straightaway that this was it. As,You know, to have a proper Golf Course,one needs lots of place and similar amounts of natural,flowing water,which all is given in here. What is more,and the most important thing is,as such,I would not need to wage any war against Mother Nature,all I had to do was just follow her and place
my course in her. So all the time  I was just constantly watching, and listening to her whispers,trying to imbibe every thing that this lovely area was talking to me. As I wanted to build a nice playing field in here,that can be enjoyed by everyone,professional players and beginners alike.
I am well convinced that with her lovely and unique conditions and parameters the Zalacsány Golf Course will attract all international professional  golf players and soon become the best Playing Field in entire Europe. And, It will certainly have all kinds of excellent sportsmen of other genres and famous people visiting here from all around the World,as well. With many good friends of mine among them,who would set off on a journey,not just out of pure curiosity but even at news of this lovely,sensational Course. Otherwise,I think upon each and every Golf Course designed by me as if they were my own children,and as such now I have 200 of them throughout the World. So,now I am just so glad to have the chance to return here to Zala County and
see one of them again. And with saying this,Boby takes out and shows us his illustrated volume heavy laden with colourful drawings ,sharing with us the little secret, that this is the story of his life. Then,continues and with referring
to one of his verses titled the "La Grande Seductrice" ,so as "the Great Seducer",he tells us that Golf for him is a similar kind of temptation,so he cannot resist it.. 


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